Learning Basic Graphics

Learning Basic Graphics

This week our participants learnt how to use Microsoft Office Paint (formerly Paintbrush). Microsoft Paint or ‘MS Paint’ is a basic graphics/painting utility which can be used to draw, color and edit pictures, including imported pictures from a digital camera.       1.Participants learning how to use MS Paint     2.A graphic representation of a hut […]

Cohort 3 Begins its Training

Cohort 3 Begins its Training

Dear Friends and Supporters of Kickstart Kilifi, After the short recess where we did maintenance for our computers and other learning materials at our community learning space, we are now back with Cohort 3. This group comprises 20 rural out of school youths who are eager to acquire Digital and Life Skills. Have a look […]

Kambe-Ribe Vocational Training Center Exhibition

Kambe-Ribe Vocational Training Center Exhibition

Yesterday our founder was honored to grace the Kambe-Ribe Vocational Training Center exhibition day as one of the guests. This event was attended by Prof. Gabriel Katana Gona the Kilifi County Executive Committee Member in Charge of Education and ICT alongside other guests ranging from Members of County Assembly among others. The event was also […]