Online Work Training

Online Work Training

Over the last one week, we were privileged to have Allan Munga a Lead Trainer working for the Ajira Digital Program at Kickstart Kilifi. He was able to train our participants on Digital marketing and Data management, very important modules in this modern-day world where marketing tactics have been revolutionized digitally and decision making is […]

Strathmore University Visit

Strathmore University Visit

Kickstart Kilifi was privileged to host students from Strathmore University. The students were on a school field mission in Kilifi County. It was a fun filled interaction coupled with learning moments between Kickstart Kilifi beneficiaries and students from Strathmore University. Kickstart Kilifi director, Henry Mkare, had a chance to share his transformational journey with the […]

Sharing knowledge for Prosperity!

Sharing knowledge for Prosperity!

Last week our Founder Henry Mkare was invited as a Guest speaker by Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT) Kenya, to speak with her Beneficiaries-young, Social entrepreneurs, under the Daring 2 Shift Program. You can watch his session entitled “A guide to Planning your Fundraising Journey” by clicking the link below.



WE ARE HIRING! We are looking for a Digital Skills Trainer, Finance Officer and an Admin Intern. Kickstart Kilifi is implementing a new project called “Get the Skills”. This project looks at increasing employability skills among out of school youths. Is this something you are passionate about? Click the link below: Job Advert_Digital Skills Trainer_Kickstart […]

It is possible!

It is possible!

As Nelson Mandela said, “It always seems impossible until it is done.” We are thrilled to notify you that the construction of our community learning space is almost complete. See attached photos showing the journey between December 2019 when we laid the foundation stone and February 2020. The construction of this learning space was envisioned […]

Nurturing Communication skills

Nurturing Communication skills

How do you feel like a participant when you are given a chance to facilitate a session among your fellow participants and the facilitator takes a back seat and leaves you on the driver’s seat? To some, it’s scary as their tummies rumble and suddenly, their legs become weak while to others who have some […]

Learning Basic Graphics

Learning Basic Graphics

This week our participants learnt how to use Microsoft Office Paint (formerly Paintbrush). Microsoft Paint or ‘MS Paint’ is a basic graphics/painting utility which can be used to draw, color and edit pictures, including imported pictures from a digital camera.       1.Participants learning how to use MS Paint     2.A graphic representation of a hut […]

Cohort 3 Begins its Training

Cohort 3 Begins its Training

Dear Friends and Supporters of Kickstart Kilifi, After the short recess where we did maintenance for our computers and other learning materials at our community learning space, we are now back with Cohort 3. This group comprises 20 rural out of school youths who are eager to acquire Digital and Life Skills. Have a look […]